Albert Speer. The myth of the Architect

I recently had the opportunity to read this book already published in the years 60 and has been re-edited by the Ed Cliff, written by Albert Speer on Adolf Hitler's favorite architect and Minister for Armaments during the Second World War.
Albert Speer was one of the few people trusted the dictator, was his confidant and one for whom he had a real friendship and admiration. The only time that Adolf Hitler went to Paris once invaded, algido decided to savor the moment of his military triumph sharing with two architects Albert Speer and Herman Giesler, discriminating against military generals and party leaders, as surprising as if George Bush invaded Iraq once did accompanied by Michael Graves and Frank Gehry in his triumphal visit.
It was an efficient technocrat and a brilliant organizer who gave form to the Fuhrer's visionary dreams. Speer was primarily a means to an end, the more pleasing to his patron. greater would be the rewards. It suited the extravagant tastes of Hitler, if this would have required an abstract style Speer would have given, but what I liked was ancient Rome and Speer did his best to give it.
In the decade of the thirties both Speer and Mies Van der Rohe were willing to work with the most abominable character of all time, the difference is that Speer was devoted entirely to meet the architectural ambitions of their master, while Mies was able to compromise on political issues but was adamant when it came to Architecture.
In the late thirties Hitler and Speer wanted to reorganize Berlin called Germania Pharaonic project that developed along a central boulevard five kilometers. In the North end Speer based on sketches drawn by Hitler in the years 20 thought in a building with a huge dome inspired by the Pantheon, this dome height would 200 m and a diameter of 250 m, that is a real exaggeration, When the father saw the model of Speer (architect also) just came to say you are crazy!. At the southern end of the boulevard would a bow like the Arc de Triomphe in Paris being almost double in their dimensiones.Esta intervention would obliterate almost all existing.
I particularly while reading the book about what surprised me was his ability to manipulate, with a very engaging personality that impressed those who knew him, acting like a real snake charmer, both in the Nazi period and in the Nuremberg trials where with his oratory and their justifications were able to escape from the gallows. In the memories of the few that is described in a clear way what happened in that bunker during World War II .

Center for Women in Ouagadougou

Centre pour le bien etre des femmes

Burkina Fasso, 2007
FARE Studio (Riccardo Vanucci) for Associazione Italiana Donne per lo Sviluppo

This is a project undertaken by an NGO Italian – supported by international cooperation of his government- which aims to improve health and social conditions of women in a poor suburb of the capital of Burkina Faso. Located in the African Sahel, east of Mali, this country had a GDP per Capita of 1,189 $ en 2008 and was located between the 10 human development recent posts, ranking 161 about 170.

Perspective of the general organization of the building
The center is dedicated to health and educational services, trying to improve the conditions of women in the area; tries to extend and better education, health prevention and awareness of rights in a very depressed. It has also generated with this community meeting space, in a place that services and opportunities for self-organization are scarce.
The building, constructed by cement bricks manufactured in situ, stands on a platform that improves natural ventilation and protects against dust and moisture. The holes are designed with simple locksmith folding glass pieces. The use of local materials and craftsmanship using own improvement overall sustainability of the new implementation.
The interesting thing about the work, in addition to its very low cost, is the introduction of simple measures that ensure high resource sufficiency. A separate cover essential building offers a shade to reduce the incidence of sunlight powerful. It also has elements that do not need external supplies, no network access, to have made an own well and electrical installation comprising photovoltaic panels that fully cover the needs of water and energy.
Dotacional This character building has gained international recognition as one of the 18 winning projects by the Aga Khan Foundation en 2010. It represents a form of self-centering contribution to the development of West African countries, that does not involve the depletion of resources and that is organized from the civil society in the developed world.

South Train Exchangers

In 2010 CPPA presented two proposals for bidding on construction projects Exchangers Train of South Tenerife Tenerife promoted by Metropolitan. This contest came with the need for edificatorias parts designed to accommodate the creation of networks facilitating intermodality between the different transport modes involved (railroad, buses, taxis and private vehicles) in each of the bus stops for the new rail infrastructure Tenerife.
Proposals made by CPPA for this contest were exchangers Candelaria and San Isidro, the latter getting the 2nd Runner-up.
Proposed solutions consisted only the part definition edificatoria, as other aspects such as improving roads and associated with different modes of transport in the vicinity of each plot were vital. Both exchangers are located next to the island via TF-1 but with different orientations geographic and topographic conditions that led to considerable reflection on the solution to raise. It also took into consideration the fit of the exchanger to the proposed by the municipal planning of each of the stops mentioned.
General Plant Proposal exchanger San Isidro

It was perhaps the very definition of the building where you went for a similar solution for both proposals given the identical program required, with the obvious difference of the covering solution, looking for a better relationship with the environment and immediate landscape of each of the locations.

The construction of both buildings solution addresses two fundamental elements: cover and service modules.
Candelaria exchanger constructive Scheme Proposal

The cover appears as the cover member and relationship to their environment (landscape, sky, sea), so light that hovers over the field extending outside the building to give needed shade and adequate protection from the rain. In the proposed solution to stop Candelaria opted for a cover based on two warped surfaces trying to provide the most dynamic building. However the definition of San Isidro stop responding to cover curved lines designed to enhance the views towards the sea with the Red Mountain background.

Image Access San Isidro Exchanger

On the other hand the service modules are intended to accommodate operators exchanger according to the program required: MTSA, TITSA, Taxis, Car Rental, Operator Commercial and Exchanger. These modules have the support necessary: restroom, changing, cleaning rooms, warehouses and rooms facilities.

Motion Pictures exchanger Candelaria
Motion Pictures San Isidro Exchanger
Image access Candelaria Exchanger


Bloomframe es una ventana que se transforma en balcón ,thus expanding the space of the room in which stood, opening a balcony where there is none.
Designed by the Dutch architectural firm Hofman Dujardin, and especially useful for densely populated areas

Esta realizada con perfiles de aluminio con rotura de puente térmico. El mecanismo de apertura esta constituido por un doble marco articulado y un equipo electrónico que acciona la apertura y el cierre, desplegando el balcón. La superficie de suelo puede ser de acero o vidrio. Este puede soportar un peso de hasta 350kg/m2 y mide 3metros de ancho y 2,7 metros de alto.

El balcón Bloomframe puede ser utilizado para los apartamentos, oficinas o incluso hoteles. Estos pueden ser fácilmente personalizados para satisfacer la necesidad del cliente en el color, dimensión y materiales diferentes. Se pueden personalizar para formar parte de la fachada, y de esta manera la fachada plana florecerá con estos balcones, in the sunny days of summer

This ingenious idea can be a solution to avoid that there are no balconies enclosures woodwork through horrific that destroy buildings.

La expansión de La Laguna en 1961

We recently sent a pamphlet entitled Celebrations of the Holy Christ of La Laguna: la ciudad, sus bellezas y sus tradiciones. Fue publicado en 1961 con el patrocinio de varias empresas locales entre ellas DISA que todavía sobrevive y se ha convertido en una de las más importantes de la isla. Contains images that take us back to the urban form that had the old and some peripheral areas 50 years back.

The gardens and orchards that existed in the central area of ​​the Laguna, near the end of the street of St. Augustine. In every yard is tended to have among the fruit, several characteristic trees: a monkey puzzle, one dragon palm and canaries.

The square of the Miraculous at the end of the streets of Santo Domingo Farriers and. A place that defined then the entrance to the city, from Santa Cruz.

View of the Avenue of the Trinity newly urbanized, at the point at which crossed the ravine and is now Chamarta Street 6 December.

Meeting Trinity Avenue in historic shuttle Farrier Street

The Low Tide bath area with coastal pools. In the background is the core of La Punta but still you have built the most representative tourist buildings and its urbanization had occurred to the west.
Entrance to the harbor of the city of Santa Cruz near the top of Avenida de Anaga.
I could not resist posting these views reflect the delicious character that had then-in my childhood- certain parts of the island, and the town, I seem representative of the sea change we have experienced in the island territory in just half a century.

The city deconstructed

Deconstruction of New York

French artist Armelle Caron makes a curious interpretation of the most important cities of the planet through what he calls “Taxonomy of city plans”. It consists of a series of drawings based on random sectors of various cities (Paris, Berlin, NY, etc.) where synthetically represents the full (blocks built) and empty (unbuilt public space). From urban parts obtained reorders them by shape and size to build another city completely different from the original.

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Banco Arona

Improved model for the Plaza in Los Cristianos. Jorge Mosquera and CPPA, 2008
In 1998 the Cabildo of Tenerife we ​​commissioned a work for landscape improvement meant a very tourist core of the Americas in the south of the island.
We started there park project, the so-called Central Park, we would complete almost 6 years old. Experience then begin to define an element of street furniture which we later used in other works. We christened the bank was a piece Arona and to give visitors seat, very simple and developed with the help of local artisans, carpenters and locksmiths.
Arona bank is a sheet metal brackets, that give structure to a body of seat and back treated wood that can support the effect of solar radiation. Its cost is very low and has the virtue of employing labor and local resources and consider it a worthy design with low costs.
Model primitive. Central Park of Arona. Federico García and Jorge Mosquera, 2004
Facing the international furniture pieces that we intend to sell to powerful marketing campaigns, very valid alternative is to promote the design itself and the participation of local small businesses in all that is possible. In this case, cost savings was very high compared to other proposals from abroad, costing a tenth of the alternatives.
This not only produces a considerable saving, it also stimulates the growth of productive structures next, local employment own labor and cheaper. It was not easy to convince our client, because the interest and influence of professional vendors such material had made a strange support of politicians and bureaucrats.
The strength of the economy and the local commitment were arguments overcame the reluctance of those who had illegitimate interests against rationality. Although not always possible.

Crystal Displays

Wonders which are already available for use in combination with glass.
Something tells us our friend Sole.

The development plans of municipalities canaries

Degree of adaptation of the General Municipal Plans to territorial legislation in late 2010.
In red, municipalities adapted to the Guidelines; orange, adapted municipalities Territory Law; gray, other municipalities.
Territorial legislation assigns archipelago General Land Use Plans, la función de organizar y regular los procesos de transformación y aprovechamiento del suelo. En la última década, la publicación sucesiva de numerosas leyes y reglamentos que han ido añadiendo complejidad, ambigüedad y mayores requisitos administrativos nos ha sumido en una parálisis que requiere de una atención y actuación inmediata por parte de los poderes públicos que nos representan.

Aquí se aportan algunas ideas para afrontar esta situación.
In 2010 se han cumplido diez años desde la publicación oficial de la Ley del Territorio de Canarias. One might describe it as a law of a formal correction clarifies land management and its use in the Canaries. Use for this purpose a methodology based on land zoning, which supports and develops in the drafting of a series of documents about the spatial-territorial and urban plans that specify the scope of territorial mosaic- and the final establishment of the conditions of use and development applicable to each parcel of land.

This law established the obligation to make any adaptation of the Canary municipal planning in its Transitory Provisions establishing a maximum period that was fulfilled in 2007. It was a reasonable time considering the previous practice in the technical development of the planning done in the Canaries, whose processing normally used to last several years.
Something similar would propose Act Guidelines 2003, also establishing a requirement for adaptation to general planning of the municipalities, adding greater rigor in its first transitional provision. In this transitory prevented the continuation of all approval processes and development planning disturbance occurred until the entry into force of the new General Plans customized to meet your determinations. The General Planning Guidelines and Islands Tourism propose an extensive list of normative conditions for land management, I would have a diversity of perspectives and requirements. Their 143 General Planning Guidelines, with their 34 Guidelines in tourism are immense and prolific set of obligations to abide by the planning, whose extreme imprecise definition and ambiguity make it difficult to interpret and even more formal compliance documents involved land management.
It should also be noted that the Land Act allowed a limited adaptation of previous planning its entry into force, consisting of general reclassification floor surfaces with slight adjustments Township, unable to include new flooring and urban or developable except some variations, always small entity. It is what some have called basic adaptations that would be a mere transcription of pre planning 1999, pursuant to the provisions legamente thereafter.
In the whole of the eighty-eight municipalities of the Canary Islands and from the perspective of ten years of implementation of the land laws of our autonomy, the current status of the General Land Use Plans reflects the inability of our political and administrative leaders to meet commitments in planning adaptation to the new law instituted by our Parliament on.
Today, only a third of the municipalities of the archipelago have been required adaptation and a decade ago. And only 8 Municipal General Land Use Plans have successfully adapted to the Law of Guidelines 2003; little 10%. This contrasts clamorous to be reflected in the status differential between the various islands. While Iron Island has adapted all of its municipalities, at least Territory Law, Fuerteventura Island have not done in any of its municipalities. The islands of Gran Canaria and Tenerife have achieved a 35% like the whole archipelago which has only succeeded in concluding that task in one third of the total, namely 32 municipalities.
This analysis should be added to the main population centers of the archipelago are not yet completed this requirement has been established legally. Neither Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, and Santa Cruz de Tenerife and La Laguna have achieved the approval of the necessary adaptations. Something similar happens with the main tourist towns: Neither Arona, and Adeje in the province of Santa Cruz de Tenerife, with Mogán, San Bartolomé, nor Teguise, Yaiza and Fuerteventura group of municipalities have done the obligatory adaptation to the Laws of the Territory and guidelines Canaries
This has meant the general slowdown in land transformation processes in the archipelago. The situation could be described as paralysis unsustainable land management because without achieving this adaptation mandatory municipal planning is not possible to install new production activities, or areas intended to increase tourism and residential uses.
The situation worsens when one considers the negative role that legal documents have been introduced from 2003 until today. In particular Regulation Procedures 2006 and regional interpretation of legislation enacted state environmental assessment that year.
Given the widespread crisis that is suffered and considering that this is an extremely serious situation that has its origin in the existing legislative framework seems necessary to require take decisive action politically conducive for effective liberalization in land management in the region. Thus, is considered necessary to request immediate political action that would achieve the elimination of unwarranted legal restrictions that are causing an undesirable agility in making collective decisions about land transformation processes.
Proposed in this respect the following:
1.- Suspend the transitional provisions requiring mandatory general plan adaptation to the provisions of the Laws of the Territory and Guidelines. The conditioning of adaptation planning imperative in practice prevents the possibility of working with partial revisions or changes without having to make new mandatory municipal plannings. It stated that in practice and in the current legal and administrative conditions prevailing is a very difficult process.
2.- Review in detail the scope of the provisions set forth by those laws to correct the lack of specificity of their demands, reducing the large and complex nature of your calls rules directly applicable directives and not always interpret arrive in a clear and unambiguous. In the case of the Law of Guidelines is clearly evident with hundreds of convoluted and ambiguous provisions that are mandatory for planning without knowing clearly what they have to comply.
3.- Repeal at least several articles of the Rules of Procedures that are impacting negatively on the process of revising the municipal plannings. Exemplify the above, Article 2 which sets completely unrealistic deadlines, of 1 year to the General Plans and 6 months for development planning. And the organization also posed for the environmental assessment process in his article 27 that does not clearly determine when to perform and who approves and monitors.
4.- Overcoming serious existing confusion, generated by mandatory environmental assessment processes, that rely on internal documents of the Regional Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning. One issue that is causing more problems are called Reference Documents for the preparation of the Environmental Sustainability Reports that have been officially published in the Official Gazette of the region and is based on a provision repealed, Content Regulation Environmental planning instruments 1995.
Revision is proposed global issues such as the current economic hardship suffered in the region can continue to maintain this type of administrative corsets do not have a real impact on the welfare of people.

Christians Square

The latest project of urban and landscape design we have built on the island of Tenerife was commissioned Tenerife Cabildo whole and the city of Arona and was completed in late 2008.
The Park 7900 m2 was seeking to improve a space rated residual current green area management plan for the resort of Los Cristianos.
It has raised the maintenance and improvement of existing pedestrian routes along with several spaces estanciales partitioning that allow functional use of the space available.
The landscaping has been the attenuation of the negative visual effects caused by adjacent building with the widespread provision of shade. Planting different exotic species of palms which stand out for their high aesthetic value, drought resistance and minimal maintenance, given as proving a botanical richness space for the enjoyment of tourists visiting the area.
The work has been completed with the usual items of furniture and lighting by introducing a series of small architectural landmarks necessary for greater enjoyment of this urban space.
Commissioned by the Cabildo of Tenerife Tourism and Landscape area between 2006-2008, This paper designed and built by a team organized by CPPA Architects headed by Federico García and Jorge Mosquera Barba collaboration with Carlos Marques Barceló and Knight Christ Santana and advice from Carlo Moricci (Biologist).