Project Youth House La Orotava


Street frontage future Lion Youth House

The CPPA technical team recently completed Implementation Project Youth House to the northern town of La Orotava promoted by the Youth Service, Education and Women of HE. Cabildo Insular de Tenerife.

The location at which it was decided to deploy the new Youth House of Orotava is located on a parcel located in the old town that has a building of heritage interest and important urban elements in your environment that give a functional advantage. It León street facades, near City Hall, Victoria and gardens which can also have a good relationship with the existing building Taoro.El Lyceum, traditional Canarian character and three heights in front, presents a significant deterioration is fully recoverable from the entire front bay.

Ground Floor

The proposed technical solution will be, first, in rehabilitation and complete restoration of the facade of the first body since it retains all the elements of heritage value but rather dilapidated. Second, be implemented new rear two volumes separated by a courtyard building necessary for ventilation and lighting though united on the second floor by a walkway of steel structure.
Among the uses proposed in the building include the Mediatheque, Office of Youth Information Service, Multipurpose Rooms, Workshop, Hall, Test Local, Recording Studio and Gym.

Facade at Victoria Gardens

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